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The Soul Success Business Academy [1 Year Access]

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Over £3,500 worth of build-in bonuses for everyone!

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What's included:

The Soul Success Business Academy is led by Dr. Tilean Gordon and is a 12-month Business Accelerator for Practitioners, Coaches and Consultants who are ready to create and scale a soul-aligned and highly profitable coaching business. Your investment includes:

  • 12-months full access to an in-depth training library

  • 12-months support with weekly accountability and business review process

  • Quarterly deep dive sessions

  • LIVE Money Making Monday Sessions personally led by Dr. Tilean

  • LIVE Mindset Q&A(Wednesdays at 2pm UK time zone) personally led by Dr. Tilean

  • Pop-Up Co-Working Sessions and Implementation Weeks

    Plus, these build-in bonuses:

  • Bonus 1: 12-months full access to an The Soul Success All-In-One Business System

  • Bonus 2: Access to a 8-Week Tech Lab so you have direct support as you set-up The Soul Success All-In-One Business System.

  • Bonus 3: A Complimentary Ticket to The Annual Soul Success Business Retreat

Plus, an extra bonus when you sign up for the full year upfront:

For those that do decide to pay in full and sign up during challenge week, you will also receive a total of 4 1:1 coaching sessions to use with Dr. Tilean at a time that works best for you over the next 12-months.

REMEMBER Your Challenge Discount Code available THIS WEEK only:

Payment Plan: Enter the code Challenge150 and save £150 off your first payment.

Pay In Full: Enter the code Challenge500 and save £500 off your payment.