Welcome to The Soul Success Business Academy

A 12-month Business Accelerator for Practitioners, Coaches and Consultants who are ready to create a soul-aligned and highly profitable coaching business.

Did you know that the #1 biggest setback that keeps practitioners, coaches and consultants stuck in successfully moving their coaching business forward in a soul-aligned and highly profitable way is...


adopting marketing and sales approaches and having an All-In-One Streamlined Business System that actually make sense, feel amazing to execute and work.

Well, not anymore!

The Soul Success Business Academy is where you'll be POWERFULLY supported
to propel your success


Drive Forward Your Purpose-Led Coaching Business with Momentum, Using Our Highly Customisable Soul-Aligned Marketing & Sales Framework, to Finally Achieve The Business Income & Impact You Know Is Possible!

No more cookie cutter strategies, no more marketing techniques that don't feel good, no more juggling what feels like a million and one systems to run your business.

The Soul Success Business Academy is where soul-alignment and business success are ONE!

Hold On! Who is the Soul Success Business Academy for Anyways?

The Soul Success Business Academy is for any Purpose-Led Practitioner, Coach or Consultant...








Social Workers


And more...

And you've decided that you will 100% execute your God-given mission with side-by-side support, step-by-step guidance, and personalised focused support and accountability as you start or scale your business mission in the coaching world.

Does this sound like you?

Honestly, have you found yourself working in ways that are no longer soul-aligned? And even though the flame of ultimate success is still glowing inside of you, you know what you're doing right now and the way you're doing it has run its course and you're ready to step forward and claim life differently.

Maybe you've already started your coaching business and before you even realised it… you’ve found yourself chasing rabbits in this online coaching world and what you've been seeing out there doesn't feel aligned! And so even though you’ve been trying so hard to reach and maintain the 6 Figure Mark year on year in your coaching business you're lost and confused about how to make things work in the most aligned way!

You may have even rolled your sleeves up, learned the tactics, and even tried fitting into the cookie cutter approaches, but it just isn't cutting it because that isn’t you! And so even though you don’t know what way to turn next (is it more ads; do I change the text on the website; do I try another offer and the ideas pile on and on), deep down you know something else is missing, but until now you've not been able to put your finger on it. You’ve been doing one-course, followed by the next course, going through even more drip fed content that has only been feeding you PART of the puzzle to success, you know there's got to be another way... and honestly, there is!

How do I know? Because I've been in the online world since 2015 and learnt how to navigate the online world in ways that align with my values and truth as a practitioner, by implementing soul-aligned marketing and sales tactics. Then in 2020 God-led me to start helping other practitioners, coaches and consultants just like you, who may have found themselves lost in the sauce of it all as they develop soul-aligned success, and so that's what I do, whether you've started or just getting started, I'll help you create and scale a coaching and consulting businesses using soul-aligned business principles ONLY.

Why? Because despite being educated right up to Doctorate Level, and even having worked in corporate with exposure to sales and marketing, mastering the online coaching world in a way that was in integrity to who I am at my core, required me to invest over and over again to study over and over again from the best of the best, about marketing, sales and business success in the coaching world, AND THEN created my own approach and system for what works for people like us - professionals rooted in love and service. When I did that I 6x my revenue and had my first 6-figure year in business, and continued to do that year in and year out, with a 48% profit margin, with 12 weeks off a year and living the soul-nourished life and you can have that too!

Honestly, the marketing gurus don’t understand you and you don't understand them. That’s why the Soul Success Business Academy was created. It’s where practitioners, coaches and consultants who have committed to shining their light in the coaching world can finally breathe, be uniquely YOU and experience ultimate soul success! In there, I teach how to build a soul-aligned coaching business FROM SCRATCH or how to optimize the coaching business you've already built so it is super aligned - think soul-aligned marketing, soul-aligned sales, a soul-aligned system and soul-aligned success! We don't do gimmicks, we don't do cookie cutter, we map out the best soul-aligned approach for YOU!

How does it work?

  • 12-months full access to an in-depth training library with over 80 lessons of concentrated information covering everything from designing, creating and marketing your very own programs; when to hire and how to hire; step-by-step guidance on soul-aligned audience building using paid and free strategies; the ins and outs of soulful sales; designing and delivering events and so much more.

  • 12-months support with weekly accountability and business review process, so you can see your business grow from strength-to-strength using our Soul-Success Business Model because you set clear plans week-in and week-out for your focus and business development.

  • Quarterly deep dive sessions

    Dr. Tilean, likes to view a quarter like it's ONE year, as so much can be accomplished in just 90-days. Every quarter, you'll have access to a deep dive session to help ensure you're crystal clear on your priorities and your most important business tasks for that quarter.

  • LIVE Money Making Monday Sessions personally led by Dr. Tilean (Mondays at 2pm UK time zone) designed to ensure that every week you've got your mind focused on the most important area of your business - REVENUE! Without revenue, there is no business. In this session, you'll be supported to feel empowered with it comes to soulful sales using both 1-1 and 1-many approaches, depending on the stage you're at in your business. If you can't attend live as these calls are recorded and replays made available.

  • LIVE Mindset Q&A (Wednesdays at 2pm UK time zone) personally led by Dr. Tilean to help you bust through entrepreneurship beliefs that are holding you back and support you to grow into the soul-nourished CEO you aspire to be and absolutely can become.

  • Pop-Up Co-Working Sessions and Implementation Weeks

    Bid farewell to the isolation of solo work with these pop-up co-working sessions and implementation weeks give space to get so much done. We kick off each month by announcing our co-working sessions, where you can join our virtual room, declare what you’ll be working on, work in focused silence, and then we’ll come together to celebrate your accomplishments. You'll be amazed at how much you can achieve during these 1-2 hour deep-dive sessions.

    PLUS over £3000 worth of built-in bonuses...

  • Bonus 1: 12-months full access to an The Soul Success All-In-One Business System

    With the Soul Success System, you get an all-in-one solution to create a premium online presence, attract your ideal clients, deliver your signature services, and grow your business efficiently. It includes drag-and-drop website and landing page building with professional templates to establish your brand. Built-in email, text and social media marketing to nurture leads. Appointment booking, course creation, payment processing, and sales tracking to sell and deliver your services smoothly. Form builders and surveys to capture client data. And automation for repetitive tasks like onboarding and email sequences. (Value: £1,524)

  • Bonus 2: Access to a 8-Week Tech Lab so you have direct support as you set-up The Soul Success All-In-One Business System. Imagine having 8 weeks of dedicated time, space, and expert guidance to get your business tech up and running, ready for 2025! In this Tech Lab, I’ll personally help you navigate setting up your website, landing pages, and email marketing, to configuring automations that make running your business smoother than ever before. You’ll be part of a co-working community too, where you’ll not only get my direct support but also the collective energy and accountability of others on the same journey. This is your chance to have your business foundations built without overwhelm, tech headaches, or guesswork, ready to attract clients, deliver services, and scale with ease. (Value: £997)

  • Bonus 3: A Complimentary Ticket to The Annual Soul Success Business Retreat where we gather together in-person and deep dive into your business plans, strategy and vision. Travel and Accommodation (if needed) are not included. (Value: £1,500)

Client success stories...

And there's more...

1) Receive Expert Guidance: From a Business Strategist AND a Psychologist.

The unique difference about the Academy is that you’re being supported by someone who has been in your world! As well as being a successful business strategist (don’t just take my word for it, see the love shared by my clients in the video below), I’ve got years (ten+ years to be more specific) of training and experience as a psychologist.

Once you’ve got the business strategy (which I share with you), your mind can be the biggest roadblock to your soul-nourished and soul-aligned life. Therefore, I weave my knowledge and experience of psychology and human behaviour change into the process to help our clients overcome the limited beliefs that can come up along the way on this journey, so they can have the instrumental mindset shifts that empower them to make their vision of a soul-aligned life, an actual reality.

2) Create a profitable business: Without the need to compromise on your health; work crazy hours, or do any weird marketing or sales tactics that just aren’t you.

Put simply, making more money gives Mind and Body Practitioners, Therapists, Healers, and other like-minded Practitioners, Coaches and Consultants a chance to make more impact and contribution to the things that REALLY matter. Imagine, if more money were in the hands of people like you, imagine how much better would be done in the world! Yet, many end up working in a way that can come with…

– Low levels of financial gain in comparison to the YEARS they’ve poured into their studies.

– Intense daily feelings of burnout often from overgiving and overworking.

– Serving in a way that feels limited for their clients.

I love helping them discover a new way to create a business that’s both soul-nourishing and profitable, without the need to have back-to-back one-to-one clients, or do weird sleazy marketing or sales tactics that don’t align with their values.

3) Enter the most loving community: Who genuinely care about your success, and will be by your side as you change your life in the most amazing way.

I’ve poured my heart and soul into the development of this program and have cultivated a community of soul-aligned practitioners, coaches and consultants who care about seeing their fellow practitioners win at creating a soul-aligned and soul-nourished business and life. When you join our community, I can assure you, you’ll instantly feel held and supported. Say goodbye to the idea of entrepreneurial loneliness and instead equip yourself with a supportive tribe as you rise up soul-nourished and profitable.

Plus, everything I know, I share with you and I hold nothing back!

I built my success from the ground up, by investing in the best-of-the-best in the online marketing and business world and then tailoring it to what will work for purpose driven practitioners, coaches and consultants. If you’re looking for clear steps on how to get your business and life going in the direction you want it, where you’re both soul-nourished and profitable then I’m your girl!

The Soul Success Business Academy was created by me, a purpose driven practitioner, for others just like me - purpose driven service-led professionals and has everything you need for your business to be a success and scale to multiple six figures and beyond per year, whilst giving you more freedom and flexibility to do what you love.

Our clients tell us over and over again, the Academy is worth way more than the investment and that’s brilliant because that’s our intention – we want you to have everything you need to succeed.

Click the video below to learn more...

Why now...?

Honestly, time is one resource none of us know how much we have, so in the words of Benjamin Franklin, why put off until tomorrow, what can be done today.

Plus, I firmly believe that soul-nourishing and financial success opens doors for Mind and Body Practitioners, Therapists, Healers, and like-minded professionals to make a more profound impact on the things that truly matter - their career; their health; their family and their wealth. It’s a whole 360 view of success, where every element of your life matters and is thriving.

We’ve not only helped practitioners, coaches and consultants build soul-aligned businesses from the ground-up, sometimes where they're starting without any idea on what they’re business offer would be, to actually gaining clarity and creating the most compelling offerings and signing clients who are happily investing 4-figures and sometimes even 5-figures into their services for life-changing results, but we’ve also seen our clients have other incredible wins like...

Lose excess pounds and feel the most alive they’ve even been; inspire their family members including their children to do things they’ve been putting off; break through feelings of imposture syndrome and feel super confident to get visible and champion their brand.

Not to mention witnessing other amazing wins and dreams come true, like witnessing one client as they built their dream home; another client who got awarded a £1,000,000 contract to run their programme; and another client buying their son their first car, when they never ever thought it would be possible.

Soul-nourishing success doesn't just stop at developing a business that lights you up, it’s about changing your whole life to align with what really matters to you on every level. It’s about filling you up from the inside-out, whilst having a business that truly aligns with who you are too.

What Real-World Professionals feel about working with me...

"Dr. Tilean's approach is real, passionate and engaging."

Jas Bajwa

(Yoga Practitioner)

"Dr Tilean's coaching was an unbelievable discovery for me."

Dr. Kamaria Fleary

(Educational Psychologist)

"You know when you take the first right step that turns everything on! I had been stuck in a draining job working all hours after attempting and failing to start my business 3x before. She believed in me and my business, and for the first time, I could see it actually working too. "

Linda Boakye

(Career & Mindset Coach)

"I've been blown away by the support I received. This is 100% THE MOST transformational coaching experience I've had to date!"

Naomi Aidoo

Founder of Time & Pace

"Working with Dr. Tilean was the best business decision I ever made."

Idil Hassan


"I shifted from being not so consistent working on my business to being consistent, and confidently regularly marketing to my audience on social media."

Dr. Alice Mbewe

(PhD Scientist & Faith Based Life Coach)

I'm ready to join the Soul-Success business Academy

Okay, here are the details...

  • 12-months full access to an in-depth training library with over 80 lessons of concentrated information covering everything from designing, creating and marketing your very own programs; when to hire and how to hire; step-by-step guidance on soul-aligned audience building using paid and free strategies; the ins and outs of soulful sales; designing and delivering events and so much more.

  • 12-months support with weekly accountability and business review process, so you can see your business grow from strength-to-strength using our Soul-Success Business Model because you set clear plans week-in and week-out for your focus and business development.

  • Quarterly deep dive sessions

    Dr. Tilean, likes to view a quarter like it's ONE year, as so much can be accomplished in just 90-days. Every quarter, you'll have access to a deep dive session to help ensure you're crystal clear on your priorities and your most important business tasks for that quarter.

  • LIVE Money Making Monday Sessions personally led by Dr. Tilean (Mondays at 2pm UK time zone) designed to ensure that every week you've got your mind focused on the most important area of your business - REVENUE! Without revenue, there is no business. In this session, you'll be supported to feel empowered with it comes to soulful sales using both 1-1 and 1-many approaches, depending on the stage you're at in your business. If you can't attend live as these calls are recorded and replays made available.

  • LIVE Mindset Q&A / Coaching Supervision (Wednesdays at 2pm UK time zone) personally led by Dr. Tilean to help you bust through entrepreneurship beliefs that are holding you back and support you to grow into the soul-nourished CEO you aspire to be and absolutely can become.

  • Pop-Up Co-Working Sessions and Implementation Weeks

    Bid farewell to the isolation of solo work with these pop-up co-working sessions and implementation weeks give space to get so much done. We kick off each month by announcing when our co-working sessions will take place. In these session, you can join our virtual room, declare what you’ll be working on, work in focused silence, and then we’ll come together to celebrate your accomplishments. You'll be amazed at how much you can achieve during these 2 hour deep-dive sessions.

PLUS over £3000 worth of built-in bonuses...

  • Bonus 1: 12-months full access to an The Soul Success All-In-One Business System

    With the Soul Success System, you get an all-in-one solution to create a premium online presence, attract your ideal clients, deliver your signature services, and grow your business efficiently. It includes drag-and-drop website and landing page building with professional templates to establish your brand. Built-in email, text and social media marketing to nurture leads. Appointment booking, course creation, payment processing, and sales tracking to sell and deliver your services smoothly. Form builders and surveys to capture client data. And automation for repetitive tasks like onboarding and email sequences. (Value: £1,524)

  • Bonus 2: Access to a 8-Week Tech Lab so you have direct support as you set-up The Soul Success All-In-One Business System. Imagine having 8 weeks of dedicated time, space, and expert guidance to get your business tech up and running, ready for 2025! In this Tech Lab, I’ll personally help you navigate setting up your website, landing pages, and email marketing, to configuring automations that make running your business smoother than ever before. You’ll be part of a co-working community too, where you’ll not only get my direct support but also the collective energy and accountability of others on the same journey. This is your chance to have your business foundations built without overwhelm, tech headaches, or guesswork, ready to attract clients, deliver services, and scale with ease. (Value: £997)

  • Bonus 3: A Complimentary Ticket to The Annual Soul Success Business Retreat where we gather together in-person and deep dive into your business plans, strategy and vision. Travel and Accommodation (if needed) are not included. (Value: £1,500)

MOST FLEXIBLE: Literally, just one new client a month, and it would pay for itself.

12 monthly payments of £650

[Approx $890USD/month]

BEST VALUE: Pay in Full and receive a 15% discount.

One payment of £6,500

[Approx $8,900USD]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is this program for?

Any coach, consultant or practitioner who wishes to build and scale their own soul-aligned, soul-nourishing and profitable coaching business.

Who is it NOT for?

Those seeking instant results and overnight success. Sustainable growth is a process. I've figured out the highs and lows and am here to guide you along the journey to soul-aligned, soul-nourishing and profitable success.

I've not yet started my business yet, will this program help?

Yes, absolutely! Even though you'll be jumping into a community with others who have made a start with their business and are crystal clear on their ideas, not everyone starts with that level of clarity and you'll have a personalised path that will help you gain clarity on what direction to take your business and what exact next steps you need to follow in the academy to create a business that is both soul-nourishing and profitable.

I've started my business already, will this program help me get my business to the next level?

Yes, absolutely! There's always another level, and as this program gives a unique path to each individual that joins it. Rest assure that during your on-boarding process we'll quickly identify where you need help the most in scaling in a soul-nourishing and soul-aligned way, and give you the relevant path way to doing just that. This is not a cookie cutter program, where everyone is following the same path, your specific path will be mapped out as soon and you jump in and are on the other side.

What advice would you have for someone who is nervous about the financial investment?

I get it! In the current economic climate, it's understandable to feel apprehensive about a financial commitment and yet honestly you've probably invested in your business in many ways already (time, energy and finances). However, there's benefits of entering a community, where no stone is left unturned, where you'll be 100% supported to accomplish what you want with your business. Also, what I'd recommend is considering this investment as a business expense, because it is, and literally one new client a month would cover the education, learning, supervision and team support you'd gain to help you scale your business in a soul-nourishing and profitable way. That's my two pence on the matter, but only you can decide on the best next step for you.

Life is hectic, and I'm thinking should I wait until there is a better time?

Honestly, taking action now, even amidst the chaos, can be the first step towards positive change and achieving your goals. We've had people achieve some amazing results when they've done this even as a single parent, whilst working and studying at the same time. I myself built my business whilst going through a divorce, and needing to find somewhere else to live. Honestly, life is always throwing curveballs, but that's literally when you need to lean in even more, in my experience. Don't let the busyness of life hold you back; seize this opportunity today and start your journey towards a more empowered and successful future.

I’m really great at planning and not so good at taking action, will this programme help?

100%, because the program is designed in a way that promotes action. There are accountability processes that we use that our clients really love and it helps them take action. Plus, we'll help you know what your revenue producing tasks are, so you're not left doing busy work that's not moving the needle for your success, and honestly once you're clear on that, you'll be inspired to take action ;). However, we can not come to your home and physically do the work for you, and so like with anything, it will only work for you if you do the work and go all in. Ask yourself if you’re really ready to take your business to the levels you imagine, and if the answer is yes, then jump on in!

How much is the Soul Success Business System, after the 12-months?

After 12-months, to keep using the Soul Success Business System will be a subscription fee of £127 per month, or £1270 for the year if you choose to pay in full for the year ahead.

Can I get additional 1-1 support?

Many of our students get exceptional results without 1:1 support, as we hold several group coaching sessions a week where you're given personalised help and support, as well as our private community. However, we understand that some people desire to add on 1:1 sessions with Dr. Tilean to help them move through the process, and so these are available to book and add onto your package for £500 per session (subject to availability).

Still got questions?

Hopefully, I have answered all your questions and you have everything you need to make a great choice! But if not, simply click the button below and jump on a pressure-free 30-minute clarity call, for us to flesh out if this is the best next step for you.

Hello, Meet me!

Dr. Tilean is an Internationally recognised Psychologist and Business Mentor who helps practitioners, coaches and consultants move from confusion to clarity, when it comes to growing their own purpose-led business, outside of what’s traditionally done in our industry.

A business owner since 2015, helping people across the globe (Canada, America, UK, Europe, and Asia) to achieve remarkable milestones like hitting their 6 & 7 Figures; manifesting their dream homes; and creating businesses that light them up from the inside-out, Dr. Tilean is skilled in business psychology, online marketing, soulful sales, and business leadership.

Learning from the best-of-the-best when it comes to understanding the ins and outs of business and online marketing, she holds a Professional Doctorate degree in Psychology, a Master of Science degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Science honours degree in Psychology, as well as a Diploma in Professional Development on Counselling Skills and Perspectives.

She’s Chartered with the British Psychological Society and registered with the Health Care Professions Council, and has also featured in Thrive Global, The British Medical Journal, The Evening Standard, and Red Magazine (to name a few).

When not working, you'll find Tilean enjoy life with her partner and two sons; singing and dancing around the house; exploring nature; or relaxing in a spa.